Reviews Liz Vitlin “Liz’s Childhood Computer: 2003-2005” at Prairie June Plekkenpol December 2, 2022 PrairieLiz Vitlin There is an eight year old girl in the computer. I am going into the computer to organize, archive, and care for her.
Reviews Bea Fremderman “Barren Island” at Prairie Gabrielle Christiansen October 17, 2021 PrairieBea Fremderman the shining assemblages of Barren Island seem to occupy a time and place removed from the immediate conditions of climate catastrophe––perhaps at a moment, millennia away, in which trash has held domain over the planet long enough to congeal and animate as a new species altogether, inheritors the earth in its next act.
Reviews Emily Jones “Sand Dollar Sea Biscuit” at Prairie Micah Schippa April 11, 2018 PrairieEmily Jones At any given moment, at any given scale, Jones’ work skateboards back and forth (or perhaps tendrils out like a cephalopod) between organism, population, community, ecosystem, biosphere, almanac, or even dramaturgy.
Reviews Isabelle Frances McGuire “I’m a Cliche” at Prairie B. Ingrid Olson February 26, 2018 PrairieIsabelle Frances McGuire In its imbrication of food, imagery, text, and sound, the experience of the exhibition elevates common rituals surrounding food, albeit in an absurdist fashion.