Interviews A Space to Grow Into: An Interview with Mickey Pomfrey Kate Sierzputowski February 3, 2019 Courtney BladesMickey I used to make large scale sculpture and it was devastating. I was miserable between running a gallery and having an art practice. I wasn’t sleeping much and I was working every waking moment.
EditorialsNews 5 years of CAW (pronounced “kawh”) Dan Gunn September 27, 2017 2nd Floor RearCourtney BladesHyde Park Art CenterMDW FairTerrain ExhibitionsThe Hills Esthetic CenterThe SuburbanThreewallsCauleen SmithDana DeGiulioJason LazarusPuppies PuppiesSofia Leiby Sept 27th, 2017 marks the 5th anniversary of Chicago Artist Writers inaugural call for proposals. The half-decade past has also produced a remarkable archive of writing that CAW’s next five years will build upon.
Reviews “Bathroom” and “Gollum” by Puppies Puppies Micah Schippa January 31, 2015 Courtney BladesPuppies Puppies In a world of growing identitarian radicalism, violent and stateless casino capitalism, and piercing global panopticism the bathroom may be privacy’s last imaginary sanctuary.