
What does it mean to write criticism that is genuinely of its time? What new forms can criticism take today, and might they be more appropriate to the artwork of the present?

In this workshop, we’ll cover the basics of then and now, and brainstorm about the future. Your smart phone will probably come in handy (perhaps tellingly, the workshop leader hasn’t got one).

Lori Waxman
is the art critic for the Chicago Tribune and a teacher of art history and new arts journalism at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She has written for Artforum and a number of exhibition catalogues. She is co-editor, with Catherine Grant, of the book, Girls! Girls! Girls! in Contemporary Art (2011, Intellect Press). This past summer she performed her “60 wrd/min art critic” as part of dOCUMENTA (13).

Space is limited to 30 people. To attend, please rsvp to Current students will receive priority (non-UIC students welcome).

This event is co-sponsored by Chicago Artist Writers and Gallery 400.

Poster by Louis Doulas.